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homespun plain, simple, or unpretentious. [1/4 definitions]
housedress a simple, inexpensive dress worn while working around the house.
idyll a composition, often a poem, describing a simple, picturesque scene or episode such as a tale of the countryside. [1/4 definitions]
idyllic charmingly simple and natural, as a scene or experience; suggestive of peaceful countryside. [1/2 definitions]
levulose a simple sugar found in honey and certain fruits; fructose.
log cabin a small, simple, typically one-storied dwelling made from logs.
loon2 a simple-minded, stupid, or lazy person.
machine a basic mechanical device, such as a lever or pulley, designed to apply force or power to perform a task; simple machine. [1/6 definitions]
Mennonite any member of an evangelical Protestant Christian sect founded in the Netherlands in the sixteenth century, characterized by simple living and by opposition to military service and to holding public office. [1/2 definitions]
monad a single-celled organism, esp. a simple type of flagellated protozoan. [1/3 definitions]
monosaccharide a simple sugar, such as glucose or fructose, that does not hydrolyze.
mud hut a simple dwelling made of mud.
naive simple, natural, and unsophisticated; lacking in suspicion. [1/2 definitions]
neat orderly and economical in procedure; systematic and simple. [1/6 definitions]
number sentence in mathematics education, a simple equation or inequality containing numbers and operators.
nursery rhyme a short, simple, usu. rhymed song or poem for young children.
ocellus the small, simple eyespot that is common to many invertebrates, consisting of a retina, pigments, and nerve fibers. [1/2 definitions]
open sentence in mathematics education, a simple mathematical equation or inequality in which one quantity is unknown, such as 2 + ? = 5.
orrery a model of bodies in the solar system that can show their relative positions and motions by means of simple mechanical adjustments.
pastoral designating an idealized vision of simple, pleasant country life. [1/6 definitions]
pastorale a musical work for instruments or voices, concerning or suggestive of simple, pleasant country life.