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purge to clear of sin or guilt. [1/12 definitions]
purify to rid of guilt and sin; make spiritually pure. [1/3 definitions]
purity the state or quality of being without sin or guilt. [1/2 definitions]
redeem to save or deliver from sin or divine retribution. [1/7 definitions]
redemption a release or rescue, as from bondage or sin. [1/5 definitions]
remit to forgive or pardon (a sin or fault). [1/8 definitions]
sacrifice the offering of some living thing or material possession to a deity as an act of worship, atonement for sin, or propitiation. [1/11 definitions]
salvation the act of saving or the condition of being saved from sin or evil; redemption. [1/3 definitions]
sanctify to make free of sin; purify. [1/3 definitions]
save1 in theology, to deliver from sin and its consequences. [1/10 definitions]
scarlet formerly, of sin or sexual immorality. [1/4 definitions]
simony the purchase or sale of pardons, benefits, or the like, considered a sin.
sinful full of or marked by sin; wicked. [1/2 definitions]
sinless being without or free from sin; innocent.
transgress to violate a law, religious commandment, or the like; commit a crime or sin. [1/3 definitions]
transgression the act or an instance of transgressing; sin; crime; trespass.
trespass an offense or sin, as against a moral or religious law or duty; transgression. [2/5 definitions]
venial able to be excused, pardoned, or forgiven, as a minor error, offense, or sin. (Cf. mortal.)
wrath punishment for sin from a divine being. [1/3 definitions]