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fall asleep to begin the process of sleep.
flop (informal) to sleep. [2/8 definitions]
gaunt suffering from emaciation, as from disease, hunger, or lack of sleep; haggard. [1/2 definitions]
hangover the unpleasant aftereffects, such as headache or nausea, of drinking too much alcohol, usu. experienced after sleep.
hibernation a sleep-like state of diminished metabolic activity entered into during winter by bears and other animals so as to conserve energy. [1/3 definitions]
homeless shelter a place that provides temporary shelter for the homeless, esp. for the purpose of sleep.
hypno- sleep. [1/2 definitions]
hypnoid of or relating to hypnosis or sleep.
hypnology the study or science of sleep and hypnosis.
hypnotic having the effect of inducing sleep; soporific; sedative. [1/7 definitions]
incubus an evil spirit in male form that is said to have sexual intercourse with women as they sleep. (Cf. succubus.) [1/3 definitions]
insomnia difficulty in getting to sleep, esp. as a persistent problem.
insomniac a person who has chronic difficulty in getting to sleep. [1/3 definitions]
keep up to stop or hinder someone from going to bed or to sleep. [1/7 definitions]
knock out to cause (someone) to become unconscious, or to powerfully cause to go to sleep. [1/5 definitions]
live in to live and sleep in the same place where one works, usually the private home of one's employer.
lull to calm, soothe, or cause to sleep, as by sounds, movements, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
lullaby a song sung esp. to put a child to sleep. [2 definitions]
mattress a large rectangular pad consisting of a strong fabric filled with soft material such as fiber, hair, straw, or foam rubber, and used as a cushion to sleep on. [1/2 definitions]
Morpheus in Greek mythology, the god personifying dreams, and the son of Hypnos or Sleep.
nap1 to sleep briefly, esp. during daylight hours. [2/3 definitions]