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go-by (informal) an intentional passing by or slight; snub.
graze2 a slight abrasion or scrape. [1/5 definitions]
hair trigger a firearm trigger adjusted so that very slight pressure can make it function.
hear of to encounter (something) through hearing or some other form of communication, often resulting in a feeling of slight familiarity. [1/2 definitions]
indispose to make sick, usu. to a slight degree. [1/3 definitions]
insubstantial lacking firmness or substance; not substantial; slight. [1/2 definitions]
invidious tending to arouse feelings of resentment or animosity, esp. because of a slight; offensive or discriminatory.
microevolution the slight hereditary alteration of an organism, as by new combinations of genes, that precedes a small degree of change in a particular form of life.
nodding acquaintance a slight acquaintance with someone or something, or someone with whom one has such a relationship.
note a slight underlying indication or suggestion. [1/11 definitions]
nudge to give a slight or gentle push. [2/4 definitions]
off slight; remote. [1/37 definitions]
on the off chance with the very slight likelihood; against the faint hope.
paresis slight or partial paralysis, usu. affecting movement but not sensation.
peccadillo a minor sin or offense, or a slight fault.
peek to appear briefly or to a slight degree, as if emerging from hiding. [1/3 definitions]
peep1 to appear briefly or to a slight degree. [1/5 definitions]
peer2 to appear to a slight degree; peep. [1/2 definitions]
pinprick anything that causes slight irritation or displeasure. [1/3 definitions]
planchette a small platform, as on a Ouija board, on which the fingertips rest, their slight pressure causing the platform to move and spell out words with an attached pencil or by pointing to letters.
powder blue a pale blue color, sometimes having a slight gray or purple cast.