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powder blue a pale blue color, sometimes having a slight gray or purple cast.
prickle to make a slight prick or pricks in or on. [1/6 definitions]
quaking aspen a North American poplar, the small, roundish leaves of which tremble in even a slight breeze.
quiver1 a slight shake or tremble. [1/2 definitions]
remote slight. [1/7 definitions]
retouch a slight change, repair, or improvement. [1/3 definitions]
ripple to proceed with slight rising and falling, as in the volume of sound. [2/5 definitions]
scant to treat neglectfully or with insufficient courtesy; slight. [1/6 definitions]
scorch a slight burn, or a mark left by it. [1/5 definitions]
scratch a mark or slight injury caused by rubbing against something sharp. [1/22 definitions]
sensitive plant a tropical American plant, related to the mimosa, that bears tiny purple flowers in clusters and has leaflets that fold together at even a slight touch. [1/2 definitions]
shade to change by slight or imperceptible degrees. [2/16 definitions]
shading a slight difference or variation. [1/3 definitions]
singe a slight or superficial burn. [1/4 definitions]
sketchy incomplete, imperfect, or slight. [1/3 definitions]
slighting constituting a slight or an act of discourtesy.
slim of small size, amount, or value; slight. [1/3 definitions]
slip1 a slight mistake, as in speaking. [1/18 definitions]
smack1 a taste or slight hint of a flavor or the like. [1/4 definitions]
snub an act or instance of rebuking or intentionally ignoring someone; slight; insult. [1/3 definitions]
snubby tending to snub or slight others. [1/2 definitions]