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asp any of several small, poisonous snakes found in Africa and Asia Minor, such as the cobra or horned viper.
assai2 a small slender palm tree native to Brazil that bears edible fleshy purple fruit. [1/2 definitions]
astilbe any plant of the genus Astilbe, having small red, white, or pink flowers.
atom anything extremely small; tiny bit. [1/2 definitions]
atomism a theory that all matter is composed of small, indivisible particles called atoms, which in modern form is called atomic theory. [1/2 definitions]
atomize to divide into small particles or spray. [1/3 definitions]
ATV abbreviation of "all-terrain vehicle," a small motor vehicle, usu. with three or four wheels, that is designed for use on various types of terrain.
auklet any of several small auks of the northern Pacific coasts.
Automat trademark for a cafeteria where food is dispensed from small compartments with doors that open when customers deposit coins in the appropriate slots.
auto-rickshaw a small, three-wheeled, motorized vehicle used as a taxi.
awl a small, sharply pointed tool used to make holes in leather, wood, or the like.
baby carriage a small, four-wheeled carriage used to push a baby around in; perambulator.
baby's-breath a plant of the pink family that has small delicate white or pink flowers that grow in branching clusters.
bagatelle something small or insignificant. [1/3 definitions]
Balkanize (often l.c.) to divide up into mutually antagonistic political units too small to maintain their independence or autonomy effectively.
ballpoint a pen that has a small ball in its tip which transfers ink from a reservoir to the writing surface; ballpoint pen.
balm of Gilead any of several small evergreen trees native to western Asia and Africa. [1/2 definitions]
banana republic (informal) a small, often politically unstable Central American country with a one-crop economy that is controlled by foreign capital (used as a derogatory label).
Banbury tart a small pastry shell filled with raisins, currants, nuts, and the like.
Band-Aid trademark for a small strip of adhesive tape that holds a gauze pad for covering minor wounds. [1/3 definitions]
bangle a small, dangling ornament, as on a bracelet. [1/2 definitions]