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snow to fall as snow. [2/8 definitions]
snowball a mass of snow that has been packed together into a ball for throwing in children's play or games. [1/4 definitions]
snowbank a mound or drift of snow.
snow-blind blinded, usu. temporarily, by bright sunlight reflected from snow.
snow blower a motorized snow-removal machine that is usu. guided by hand.
snowboard a fiberglass board resembling a large skateboard, with straps to secure the feet so that one can ride it downhill over snow standing up. [1/2 definitions]
snowboarding the activity or sport of riding and manoeuvering a snowboard downhill over snow or inside specially designed tubes.
snowcap a caplike crown of snow, as on a mountain or ridge.
snowdrift a heap or bank of snow created by the wind.
snowfall an accumulation of fallen snow. [2 definitions]
snow fence a temporary fence of thin slats joined by wire, used to control drifting snow.
snowfield a wide, fairly permanent expanse of snow, as at the head of a glacier.
snowflake a single flake of snow.
snowless combined form of snow.
snow line the lower boundary of an area that is covered permanently with snow, as on mountains.
snowman a figure, roughly resembling a man, made of packed snow.
snowmobile a small powered vehicle that is capable of traveling through or over snow.
snow pants pants made of water-resistant fabric, often having an attached bib and shoulder straps, worn especially during play activities in snow.
snowplow a machine or vehicle that is equipped with a large shovel or blade for clearing snow from streets, highways, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
snowshoe a light frame that is shaped like a racket and strung with a netting so that it can be attached to the foot and used for walking on deep snow. [2 definitions]
snowslide an avalanche of snow.