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Civil Rights Movement (l.c.) any movement within a society that fights for a people's civil rights and an end to discrimination. [1/2 definitions]
classical of a refined style or artistry associated with an earlier age, and especially with an age considered to mark a high point in the development of a particular aspect of culture within a particular society. [1/4 definitions]
classless of society, without economic or social distinctions.
collectivism the doctrine of placing the good of the group or the society above the good of the individual. [1/3 definitions]
comedy of manners a comedy that satirizes the customs and manners of fashionable society.
community the general public; society (prec. by "the"). [1/5 definitions]
consumerism the idea that the consumption of goods is beneficial to society or its economy. [1/2 definitions]
convent a society of persons, usu. nuns, devoted to a religious life with the guidance of a superior. [2 definitions]
counterculture the values and way of life of any group of people who reject the accepted values and traditions of society, esp. those who reject materialism, war, and cultural regimentation by the elite classes.
cult a religion that most members of a society believe to be false, faddish, or unworthy of respect. [1/4 definitions]
culture the artistic and intellectual endeavors of a society or social class, as in the areas of music, art, fashion, and literature, or the works that are produced from these endeavors, esp. those considered of good taste and high value. [1/8 definitions]
debut a formal entrance into society, esp. of a girl, and generally taking place at a ball with many guests attending. [1/5 definitions]
debutante a girl being formally presented to society.
demimonde a class of women who have fallen into disrepute with conventional society, usu. because of unconventional or immoral behavior or sexual promiscuity. [2/3 definitions]
democracy the principles of social equality as exercised by the people in a society. [1/3 definitions]
deviant a person or thing that differs in behavior, appearance, or beliefs from that which is considered standard within a particular society. [1/2 definitions]
digital citizen a person who uses information technology to connect with society and the world.
disease any condition, as of society, that is considered deranged, irrational, or abnormal. [1/2 definitions]
diverse drawing from a minority group within a society. [1/3 definitions]
dropout someone who rejects the dominant values of society and tries to live according to different ones. [1/2 definitions]
dystopia an imagined state or society in which injustice, oppression, and often terror are the norm and in which, typically, a totalitarian form of government has control over all aspects of life. (Cf. utopia.) [1/2 definitions]