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audiotape a magnetic tape used to record sound, or a sound recording on such a tape.
audiovisual having both sound and a picture, as does a film. [1/2 definitions]
AV abbreviation of "audio-visual," having both sound and a picture, as does film.
baa to make the sound of a sheep; bleat. [1/2 definitions]
babble to make a soft, continuous sound, as of murmuring. [2/8 definitions]
baffle to obstruct or deflect the movement of (gases, sound waves, light, liquid, or the like). [2/4 definitions]
bang a sudden, loud, explosive sound. [2/11 definitions]
bark1 the harsh sound made by a dog. [3/7 definitions]
bass1 of or pertaining to the lowest musical tones or to sound at a low pitch. [1/5 definitions]
bass drum a large double-headed cylindrical drum that produces a low, reverberating sound.
bat2 any of various usu. night-flying mammals that have wings that are covered with membranes, and that sense objects mostly by means of reflected sound waves rather than by vision.
beeper a device that emits a beeping sound when it receives a radio signal, usu. used for paging those who carry it.
bell a hollow metal cup, often of bronze, which makes a ringing sound when struck by a hard object such as a clapper. [2/4 definitions]
bellow an act or sound of bellowing. [1/5 definitions]
bellows (used with a sing. or pl. verb) a device with a flexible, valved air chamber that can be expanded to draw in air and compressed to expel it through a nozzle, used to blow air on a fire or to sound a musical instrument. [1/3 definitions]
bilabial a speech sound made with the lips close together, as the consonants "b" and "m". [1/3 definitions]
binaural produced by two sound sources; stereophonic. [1/3 definitions]
bird call an imitation of this sound. [1/3 definitions]
birr1 a whirring sound. [2/3 definitions]
blare to sound loudly and harshly. [2/3 definitions]
blast a loud and startling sound. [3/12 definitions]