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Antarctic Circle an imaginary line drawn around the earth parallel to the equator and north of the South Pole.
antipodes places directly opposite each other on the surface of the earth, as the North Pole and the South Pole.
apartheid a policy of racial segregation, esp. the official segregation of blacks and whites as it existed in the Republic of South Africa from 1948 until 1994.
AR abbreviation of "Arkansas," a south central U.S. state between Mississippi and Oklahoma.
Arawak a member of an Indian people once widespread throughout the West Indies, now living chiefly in northern South America. [1/2 definitions]
Arawakan a family of South American Indian languages that includes Arawak.
Arctic Circle an imaginary line drawn around the earth parallel to the equator and south of the North Pole.
Argentina a country in the southern part of South America, between Chile and Uruguay.
Arkansas a south central U.S. state between Mississippi and Oklahoma. (abbr.: AR)
armadillo a burrowing nocturnal mammal of the southern United States and South America, whose body is armored by jointed, bony plates.
aurora australis the aurora of the Southern Hemisphere, seen esp. near the South Pole; southern lights.
austral1 of, concerning, or originating in the south; southern. [1/2 definitions]
Australasia Australia, New Zealand, and nearby islands south of the equator and north through Malaysia and the Philippines.
Austria a central European country that lies between Germany and the Czech Republic to the north and Italy and Slovenia to the south.
azimuth an arc measured horizontally and clockwise from a point north, in navigation, or a point south, in astronomy, to another point where a vertical circle intersects the horizon. [1/2 definitions]
Baja California a Mexican peninsula south of California; Baja; Lower California.
Bloemfontein the judicial capital of South Africa. (Cf. Cape Town, Pretoria.)
bluefish a blue-colored game and food fish found in temperate Atlantic waters of the North and South American coast. [1/2 definitions]
Boer a South African of Dutch ancestry. [2 definitions]
bola a throwing weapon with heavy balls attached to the ends of a rope, used by South American herdsmen to entangle the legs of cattle and game.
Bolivia a South American country south of Brazil and Peru.