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Eastern Roman Empire the eastern division of the Roman Empire, comprising the Turkish peninsula and part of southeastern Europe, esp. from 395 to 476 A.D., after which it is called the Byzantine Empire. (Cf. Western Roman Empire.)
Eswatini a country in southeastern Africa between South Africa and Mozambique, formerly known as Swaziland.
Euphrates River a river that flows from eastern Turkey through Syria and Iraq. In southeastern Iraq, it joins the Tigris River and finally empties with it into the Persian Gulf.
FL abbreviation of "Florida," a state in the southeastern tip of the United States.
Florida a state in the southeastern tip of the United States. (abbr.: FL)
flying frog any of several tree frogs of southeastern Asia having an expanse of webbing between the toes that allows them to make long gliding leaps.
GA abbreviation of "Georgia," a southeastern U.S. state on the Atlantic coast between South Carolina and Florida.
Georgia a southeastern U.S. state on the Atlantic coast between South Carolina and Florida. (abbr.: GA) [1/2 definitions]
Granada Relocation Center a U.S. internment camp, also known as Camp Amache, located in southeastern Colorado that was built for the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II. At its peak, there were 7,300 people forcibly living there.
Jerome Relocation Center a U.S. internment camp located in southeastern Arkansas that was built for the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II. At its peak in late 1942, there were 8,500 people forcibly living there. After it was closed, the Jerome Center was converted into a holding camp for German prisoners of war.
king cobra the largest of poisonous snakes, found in southeastern Asia; hamadryad.
krait any of several venomous snakes of southeastern Asia, having black or brown skin covered with yellow bands.
Kurd a member of a Muslim people that lives in southeastern Turkey, northern Iran and Iraq, and the Caucasus.
Lesotho a country in southeastern Africa that is surrounded by South Africa.
live oak any of various evergreen oaks of the southeastern or southwestern United States. [1/2 definitions]
Long Island an island in southeastern New York State that includes two of the boroughs of New York City.
loris any of several small nocturnal primates of southeastern Asia, having large eyes and woolly fur and living in trees.
lovebug a small black fly of the southeastern United States that swarms in large numbers in May and September.
Malawi a country in southeastern Africa between Zambia and Mozambique.
Maleia the southeastern promontory of the Peloponnesus, where, in Greek mythology, Odysseus was thrown off course; Cape Maleia.
Marathon a plain in southeastern Greece where the Athenians defeated the Persians in 490 B.C.