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Dictionary Suite
corrida (Spanish) a bullfight.
Creole a person of European descent, esp. French or Spanish, born in Central or South America, the West Indies, or the United States Gulf region. [1/6 definitions]
don1 (cap.) Sir; a title formerly attached to the name of a Spanish aristocrat or gentleman, now used as a courtesy title. [1/2 definitions]
doña (cap.) Lady or Madam; a title of respect or courtesy used before a married woman's name in Spain or other Spanish-speaking countries. [2 definitions]
Don Juan in Spanish legend and literature, a nobleman famous for his seduction of women. [1/2 definitions]
Don Quixote the idealistic but impractical protagonist and title character of a seventeenth-century Spanish novel by Miguel de Cervantes.
doubloon a gold coin formerly in circulation in Spain and Spanish America.
duende (Spanish) a quality that makes one magnetically attractive to others; irresistible charm.
El Dorado a legendary South American destination of early Spanish explorers seeking gold and riches. [1/2 definitions]
esta muerto (Spanish) he is dead.
fandango a lively Spanish or Spanish-American dance in triple time for a couple playing castanets, or the music that accompanies this dance.
fiesta a festival, esp. a religious celebration in Spanish-speaking nations.
flamenco of, pertaining to, or resembling the dance or music of Spanish gypsies. [2 definitions]
flan a Spanish custard dessert topped with burnt-sugar syrup.
gracias (Spanish) thank you.
grandee a Spanish or Portuguese nobleman of the highest rank. [1/2 definitions]
hacienda in Spanish-speaking countries, a large estate used as a farm or ranch, or the estate owner's house.
Hernando Cortés a Spanish explorer and conqueror of Mexico (1485-1547).
Hernando De Soto a Spanish explorer in America (b.1500?--d.1542).
Hispanic Spanish or of Spanish descent or origin. [3 definitions]
hombre (Spanish) a man.