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Dictionary Suite
hombre (Spanish) a man.
Inca a member of one of the native peoples that ruled Peru before the Spanish conquest in the sixteenth century.
infanta the daughter of a Spanish or Portuguese king, or the wife of his son who is not heir to the throne.
infante a son of a Spanish or Portuguese king who is not heir to the throne.
inquisitor one who conducted an inquisition, esp. officially, as a member of the Spanish Inquisition. [1/2 definitions]
jennet a small Spanish horse. [1/2 definitions]
Jordan almond a large variety of Spanish almond, often used in candy and other confections.
jota a Spanish dance in three-four time, performed by a man and woman to the rhythmic clicking of castanets, or the music for such a dance.
Ladino a language of Sephardic Jews that is a combination of Spanish, Hebrew, and other elements. [2 definitions]
Latin America collectively, those countries in the Western Hemisphere south of the United States, in which the predominant language is a Romance language, such as Spanish, Portuguese, French, or a Creole.
lingua franca a hybrid language made up of elements of Italian, Spanish, French, Greek, Arabic, and Turkish, spoken in certain Mediterranean port areas. [1/2 definitions]
loyalist (cap.) someone who supported the British during the American Revolution, or the Republican government during the Spanish Civil War. [1/2 definitions]
madre (Spanish) mother.
malagueña a Spanish folk dance or tune similar to the fandango.
mamoncillo a fruit-bearing tree that grows primarily in Central America and the Caribbean and produces a small fruit with a rigid green skin and a sweet fleshy interior. The mamoncillo fruit is called by different names in different countries and is sometimes called a Spanish lime.
mañana (Spanish) tomorrow, or some unspecified time in the future. [2 definitions]
Miguel de Cervantes a Spanish author (b.1547--d.1616).
montero a rounded Spanish cap with side flaps, worn by hunters.
Morisco a Moor, esp. a Spanish Moor. [1/2 definitions]
moss any of various plants that are similar in appearance or growth habits, such as Spanish moss. [1/3 definitions]
mouillé pronounced palatally, as "ll" in French, "ñ" in Spanish, and "gl" and "gn" in Italian.