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drivel to speak foolishly or childishly. [1/5 definitions]
eulogize to speak or write high praise of; write or deliver a eulogy about.
euphemize to speak or write using euphemisms. [1/2 definitions]
exclaim to speak suddenly and vehemently, with or as if with surprise or emotion. [1/2 definitions]
execrate to speak condemningly; utter curses. [1/3 definitions]
extemporize to speak without preparation or reference to notes. [1/5 definitions]
extol to speak of with high praise or enthusiasm.
falter to move, speak, or function hesitatingly or unsteadily; stumble. [1/4 definitions]
flack a press agent or other person employed to speak on one's behalf.
floor the right to speak to a group of people, as in a governmental assembly. [1/9 definitions]
fluency the ability to speak or write smoothly and easily in another language.
fool to act or speak stupidly or in jest; play the fool; joke. [1/11 definitions]
gabble to speak rapidly and unclearly; jabber; babble. [1/5 definitions]
Gaelic of or pertaining to the people who speak Gaelic. [1/4 definitions]
gainsay to speak against; oppose. [1/2 definitions]
generalize to think or speak using vague concepts or generalities. [1/5 definitions]
glib speaking or prone to speak easily and fluently, esp. in a careless or thoughtless manner, with little concern for the truth. [1/3 definitions]
growl to speak in a surly or grumbling manner. [1/6 definitions]
gush to speak in an exaggeratedly emotional or enthusiastic manner. [1/7 definitions]
hash over (informal) to speak of (something discussed or gone before); review; recollect.
hem and haw to avoid speaking directly or frankly; speak evasively or unresponsively.