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prompt to provide forgotten words to an actor, reciter, or speaker. [1/7 definitions]
Serbo-Croatian a native speaker of this language. [1/2 definitions]
Sojourner Truth American evangelist, abolitionist, orator, and women's rights activist. An African American woman, Sojourner Truth had been enslaved before going on to become an evangelist as well as a moving and persuasive speaker on the subject of racial and gender equality; born Isabella Baumfree (b. 1797?--d. 1883).
stylist a person, esp. a writer or speaker, who develops a distinctive style. [1/2 definitions]
tape deck a tape recorder and player without its own amplifier or speaker, usu. part of a larger sound system.
TelePrompTer trademark for a device that provides a written script that is visible to a performer or speaker on television, but not to the audience.
these the things, persons, or animals that are currently being talked about or being pointed to in a spot very close to the speaker. [2 definitions]
third person in grammar, the category of pronouns, inflections, and the like that indicates one that is neither the speaker of a sentence nor one to whom the speaker is speaking, but rather, a person or thing that the speaker is speaking about. [1/3 definitions]
to say nothing of not to mention (used to add to what has just been said an element that the speaker may have forgotten to say earlier or felt was unnecessary to say. This element may be more significant or more obvious than what was said earlier).
us the speaker and another or others; the objective case of "we," used as a direct or indirect object of a verb or as an object of a preposition.
ventriloquism the skill or practice of speaking so that the voice appears to arise from a source other than the speaker; ventriloquy.
we used in reference to the speaker and one or more others. [1/4 definitions]
will1 used to indicate what the speaker absolutely demands of another person (often pronounced with strong emphasis). [1/9 definitions]
woofer a high-fidelity speaker that produces low or bass frequencies. (Cf. tweeter.)