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celebrate to observe or commemorate (an occasion or event), as with gifts, festivities, or special rituals. [2/4 definitions]
chapel a place of public worship dedicated to special or supplemental services, separate from the main sanctuary of a parish. [1/3 definitions]
cheerlead to encourage fans of a sports team to cheer during a sports event, usually by calling out special types of yells and chants that fans can join in with.
cheerleading the activity of encouraging spectators to cheer for a sports team during a competitive event using special yells and chants in addition to performing strenuous athletic feats of tumbling and gymnastics to bolster spectators' enthusiasm.
clearance a special offering of goods at reduced prices, to make space for new goods; clearance sale. [1/4 definitions]
closed-captioned of a television program, having captions that can be seen only on a special receiver, usu. intended for those with hearing impairment.
commemorate to honor the memory of with some special token or ceremony. [1/2 definitions]
commission a body of persons with special authority. [1/9 definitions]
crease a special mark or marked area in a field game such as cricket or hockey. [1/6 definitions]
culture improvement of the mind or body through special training. [2/8 definitions]
dedicate to set apart or declare to be for a special use or purpose, as a worthy cause, public benefit, or sacred activities. [2/5 definitions]
designation a special mark, name, or title. [1/3 definitions]
desk a place or surface, usu. a counter, at which special functions are performed. [1/3 definitions]
devote to set apart for a special purpose (usu. fol. by "to"). [1/3 definitions]
diet1 a special selection of food and drink, esp. for medical purposes or the correction of physical problems. [1/6 definitions]
diver one who works under water, using special clothing and equipment for breathing. [1/3 definitions]
doll up (informal) to dress oneself or another in a smart, showy, or alluring manner as for a special social event.
dress to prepare (stone, ore, timber, skins, or the like) by a special process. [1/11 definitions]
dry out (informal) to eliminate alcohol or drugs from one's body, or to terminate the general use of alcohol or drugs, often with the help of a special clinic. [1/3 definitions]
Dumpster trademark for a large metal trash container that is designed to be carried by a special truck.
earmark to designate or set aside for a special purpose. [1/4 definitions]