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assertive forward or aggressive in speech or action.
assimilate of a speech sound, to become modified by a linguistically adjacent sound. [1/8 definitions]
attack to use speech or writing to criticize or injure. [1/9 definitions]
audience a group of people gathered to hear and sometimes to see a performance, speech, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
balderdash nonsensical speech or writing; foolish, unpersuasive argumentation.
bilabial a speech sound made with the lips close together, as the consonants "b" and "m". [1/3 definitions]
blooper esp. in radio and television, an embarrassing or amusing error in speech or action. [1/2 definitions]
bombastic overblown or pretentious, as speech, writing, or a person speaking or writing in this way.
brusque impolitely abrupt in speech or actions; curt.
Brythonic P-Celtic, esp. as spoken in Britain or derived from such speech; Britannic. [1/2 definitions]
bunkum insincere talk or speech-making.
burry2 of speech, as in the dialect of Scotland, having a burr.
cant1 singsong, monotonous speech, esp. the repeating of ritualized phrases, as by a beggar. [1/6 definitions]
catachresis a forced figure of speech such as a bad metaphor. [1/2 definitions]
chatter rapid, aimless speech. [1/7 definitions]
Chinese the standard language of that country, based on the speech of Beijing; Mandarin. [1/4 definitions]
chorus a speech or other utterance made by a number of people at the same time. [1/6 definitions]
circumlocution the use of roundabout, indirect, or evasive language in speech or writing. [1/2 definitions]
citified having or taking the manners, dress, speech, customs, or the like of a person living in a large city.
civil liberty a citizen's freedom to exercise certain rights, such as the right to free speech or free assembly, as guaranteed by the laws of a country.
click a speech sound of certain African languages that is made by drawing air into the mouth and clicking the tongue. [1/8 definitions]