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capstan the revolving spindle in a tape recorder around which magnetic tape is wound and that regulates the speed at which the tape moves. [1/2 definitions]
career speed of forward movement. [1/5 definitions]
celerity speed in human action or motion; alacrity.
circular saw a power saw featuring a disk-shaped blade that is rotated at high speed. [1/2 definitions]
clip1 a fast rate of speed. [1/11 definitions]
clock1 to measure the time or speed of, using a clock or watch. [1/3 definitions]
convertiplane an airplane that can fly forward with speed and take off and land vertically like a helicopter.
cook (slang) to perform efficiently and at good speed. [1/7 definitions]
cruise to travel at a fixed, efficient, and moderate speed for a sustained period, as do ships and airplanes. [1/6 definitions]
cruise control a control mechanism in automobiles which keeps the vehicle traveling at a steady speed that is set by the driver.
curling a game played on ice in which two teams, of four players each, slide a stone or other heavy object toward a circle at either end of the ice, the players being permitted to clean the path of the stone to control its speed and direction.
dash a short run at top speed; often, a short track race. [1/12 definitions]
dead reckoning the calculation of the position of a ship or airplane on the basis of speed, distance, wind speed, and currents, rather than on more accurate astronomical observations.
decelerate to lower the speed of; decrease in velocity; slow down.
dial a disk or plate, usu. with numbers and a pointer indicating gradations of a measure such as speed, pressure, or the like. [1/8 definitions]
digital computer the type of computer in widest use, that represents data as discrete electrical signals and operates at high speed. (Cf. analog computer.)
dispatch a communication sent with haste or speed, such as a news bulletin. [2/7 definitions]
dive to descend at a controlled speed, usu. head or front first, as a submarine submerging. [1/12 definitions]
drastic acting with great speed, force, or impact; violent. [1/2 definitions]
drill1 (informal) in sports, to make (a throw, hit, shot, or the like) with force and speed. [1/13 definitions]
elude to avoid or evade by speed, skill, or trickery. [1/2 definitions]