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elude to get away from or avoid by speed or skill.
escape velocity the minimum speed by which an object can become free from the field of gravity of a planet, star, or the like.
expedite to send off, facilitate the progress of, or accomplish with speed and efficiency. [1/2 definitions]
expedition efficiency and speed of accomplishment; dispatch. [1/2 definitions]
extreme sport one of a set of relatively new sports, such as snowboarding, skateboarding, and bungee jumping, that feature speed, height, danger or exciting stunts, most often pursued by young adults.
fast1 moving or operating with speed. [2/3 definitions]
fastball in baseball, a high-speed pitch usu. thrown straight.
fastness the quality or state of being fast; speed. [1/3 definitions]
fast track a racetrack most suitable for speed because of its condition. [1/3 definitions]
fiber in diet, certain plant carbohydrates that resist digestion but speed the digestion of other foods and ease intestinal evacuation. [1/5 definitions]
flat-out (informal) at maximum speed or strength. [1/3 definitions]
flutter a distortion in the sound of a recording, due to fluctuations in speed. [1/9 definitions]
flying traveling at a high speed. [1/4 definitions]
flying start a start in racing in which the competitors are moving at full speed when they cross a starting line or receive a signal which indicates the official start. [1/2 definitions]
flywheel a heavy-rimmed wheel that rotates on a shaft and with its momentum serves to minimize variation in the speed of machinery connected to the shaft.
freewheel a device in some cars, helicopters, or the like that lets the drive shaft continue turning when its speed is greater than that of the engine shaft. [1/4 definitions]
full sail with all possible speed, force, or energy. [1/3 definitions]
futurism (sometimes cap.) a theory of art and life that predicts a society of increased mechanization, power, speed, and alienation.
gallop to ride a horse at full speed. [1/3 definitions]
geostationary of or pertaining to a satellite or spacecraft that travels around the earth's equator at a speed equal to the earth's rotation so as to maintain a constant relation to points on the earth's surface.
giddyap a usu. shouted command urging a horse to begin moving or increase speed.