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Dictionary Suite
gyre a ring, circle, or spiral. [2 definitions]
gyro- spinning; spiral.
helical pertaining to, having the form of, or similar to a helix; spiral.
helicoid coiled or curving in the form of a spiral. [1/2 definitions]
helix a three-dimensional curve with a central axis and a steadily increasing, steadily decreasing, or constant circumference; spiral.
leptospirosis any of various systemic infections in humans and animals, variously affecting the eyes, kidneys, liver, or the like, that is caused by a genus of spiral-shaped bacteria found in water and sewage.
nautilus any of several related mollusks of the Indian or South Pacific Ocean, having a spiral, chambered shell lined with a pearly membrane; chambered nautilus; pearly nautilus.
nyala an East African antelope with spiral horns and with white stripes on the sides of its grayish coat.
paper nautilus an octopuslike mollusk, the female of which has a thin spiral shell in which she can dwell and lay eggs.
pinta a contagious skin disease of the tropics, characterized by variously colored spots, that is caused by a spiral-shaped bacterium.
rifle1 a firearm with a long barrel having spiral grooves inside designed to increase the accuracy of a shot. [3/4 definitions]
rifling1 spiral grooves that are cut onto the inner surface of a gun barrel, pipe, or similar object.
right-handed made to turn or spiral clockwise, from left to right, as a screw. [1/5 definitions]
ring1 to move in a circular, spiral, or curving course. [1/14 definitions]
screw anything having a spiral or helical form. [1/17 definitions]
scroll a decorative element, such as a border or the head of a violin, that has a coiled or spiral motif resembling a partially unrolled scroll. [1/4 definitions]
Seyfert galaxy any of numerous spiral galaxies that have a small bright nucleus and emit light and radio waves of variable intensity.
sinistrorse growing upward in a spiral from right to left, as the stems of some vines. (Cf. dextrorse.)
snail any of various aquatic or land mollusks that have a spiral shell and a wide, muscular foot which propels them slowly. [1/2 definitions]
solenoid a coil of wire, usu. in spiral form, that produces a magnetic field when electricity flows through it. [1/2 definitions]
spin the condition of a stalled aircraft in a downward spiral; tailspin. [1/15 definitions]