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ecstasy a powerful experience of spiritual uplifting or revelation; exaltation. [1/2 definitions]
etherealize to cause to become spiritual or refined. [1/2 definitions]
flesh the physical aspect of human beings, as opposed to the spiritual. [1/9 definitions]
gnosis spiritual knowledge. (See Gnosticism.)
gnostic of, pertaining to, or having knowledge, esp. spiritual understanding. [1/3 definitions]
Gnosticism an early Christian religious movement whose adherents believed in salvation through spiritual knowledge (gnosis), in the evil nature of the material world, and in the incorporeality of Jesus Christ, and which was condemned as a heresy by the Church Fathers.
Grail in medieval legend, the cup used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper, traditionally a symbol of Christian purity and the object of spiritual quests; Holy Grail. [1/2 definitions]
guru in Hinduism and some forms of Buddhism, a personal religious instructor and spiritual guide. [2/4 definitions]
healer something that heals physical, emotional, or spiritual ailments. [1/2 definitions]
inner relating to spiritual or mental processes. [1/4 definitions]
interior of or pertaining to the spiritual or mental life. [2/7 definitions]
inward introspective or spiritual. [1/9 definitions]
Judaism the cultural, social, and spiritual identity of the Jews. [1/3 definitions]
light1 mental or spiritual illumination. [1/13 definitions]
materialism great or excessive concern with the acquisition of wealth or possessions, esp. as opposed to the attainment of spiritual goals. [1/2 definitions]
materialist a person more concerned with material things than with spiritual concerns or values. [1/2 definitions]
materialistic being more greatly concerned with material things, particularly those that provide comfort or pleasure, than with spiritual matters or values.
meaning significance, esp. psychological or spiritual. [1/5 definitions]
medicine man a healer, shaman, and spiritual leader, esp. among North American Indians.
ministry service of a spiritual or charitable nature. [1/5 definitions]
Mohandas Gandhi Indian spiritual and political leader and reformer, also known by the title Mahatma ("Great Soul") (b.1869--d.1948).