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mind rational stability. [1/13 definitions]
mooring (usu. pl.) elements that provide a sense of orientation and stability. [1/4 definitions]
outrigger an attached float extended on a frame to one side of a boat to provide added stability, as on seagoing canoes in the South Pacific. [2 definitions]
overstability combined form of stability.
plateau a period or state of stability or minimal change. [2/3 definitions]
prop1 something that provides support or stability by non-physical means. [1/4 definitions]
sponson an air-filled projection on the hull of a seaplane that ensures stability in the water. [1/2 definitions]
torsion bar a metal bar that maintains stability under twisting, used in the suspensions of some automobiles.
vane a planar surface on the outside tail of a rocket, missile, arrow, or the like, that helps to provide directional control and stability in flight. [1/4 definitions]
wit1 (usu. pl.) mental stability or effectiveness; rationality. [1/5 definitions]