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Capella a yellow triple star in the constellation Auriga, having a magnitude of 0.1.
Castor a white triple star, each component of which is a double star, in the constellation Gemini, having a combined magnitude of 2.5.
celestial body a natural object found outside earth's atmosphere, such as a planet, moon, star, or asteroid.
Cetus an autumn constellation in the northern sky, located below Pisces and Aries and containing the variable star Mira.
Chinese checkers a board game for two to six players in which marbles are moved across a pattern of holes that resembles a six-pointed star.
chromosphere a layer of gas, mostly hydrogen, that surrounds a star, esp. the sun, above the photosphere and below the corona.
collapsar a collapsed star that has become a black hole.
corona the irregular region of ionized gases surrounding a star. [1/5 definitions]
coronagraph telescopic equipment that blocks light from a star so that the star's corona and objects close to the star can be resolved.
Cygnus a summer constellation in the northern sky that is shaped like a cross, located between Cepheus and Aquila and containing the bright star Deneb and a double star; Swan; Northern Cross.
Deneb the brightest star in the constellation Cygnus, having a magnitude of 1.2.
dog days the hot, humid days of July and August, when the Dog Star, Sirius, rises and sets with the sun.
Draco a circumpolar constellation in the northern sky, located between Ursa Major and Ursa Minor and containing the former north star used by the Egyptians; Dragon.
dwarf a dwarf star. [1/7 definitions]
dwarf star a star of relatively small size and low mass and luminosity. (See white dwarf.)
escape velocity the minimum speed by which an object can become free from the field of gravity of a planet, star, or the like.
exoplanet a planet that orbits a star that is not our sun.
falling star a meteor; shooting star.
fixed star any star that appears to be in a fixed position relative to other stars.
galaxy (usu. cap.) such a star system that contains Earth; the Milky Way. [1/3 definitions]
giant a giant star. [1/5 definitions]