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stay3 a heavy rope or wire used to make a ship's masts steady. [1/2 definitions]
steady to make or keep steady or stable. [3/11 definitions]
stream a steady flow, as of a substance, esp. liquid, or of people. [1/10 definitions]
sure steady and unfailing; reliable. [1/6 definitions]
swing of music or musicians, to have or play with a steady, artful rhythm. [2/25 definitions]
tramp to advance on foot, esp. at a steady, even gait; march or hike. [2/12 definitions]
tranquil free from turmoil, disruption, noise, or agitation; calm, steady, or peaceful.
unblinking betraying no reaction; steady and fearless. [1/3 definitions]
unflagging not wavering or tiring; steady; persisting.
unstable not steady; not securely fixed. [1/5 definitions]
unwavering steady; not moving back and forth or changing positions.
vibrator an electromagnetic device that consists of a vibrating rod or conductor that periodically interrupts a steady current and thereby creates a pulsating one. [1/3 definitions]
voluble characterized by a steady flow of words; fluent; talkative.
warm front the advancing edge of a mass of warm air that rises over colder air, usu. causing steady precipitation.
wheel horse a steady and hard worker. [1/2 definitions]