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gulch a stony ravine with steep sides, esp. one having a seasonal stream running through it.
landslide the process or result of a fall or slide of earth or rock, esp. in great amounts, down a steep slope. [1/2 definitions]
mesa a plateau with a flat top and steep sides, found in the southwestern United States and Mexico.
mountain a geological formation or land mass with great height and steep sides that is higher than a hill. [1/2 definitions]
nose dive a sudden, steep, downward plunge of an aircraft, with the forward section pointing down. [1/2 definitions]
pail a steep-sided container with a handle; bucket. [1/2 definitions]
palisade (pl.) a long line of steep cliffs, esp. along a river or coastline. [1/3 definitions]
pediment a somewhat sloped area at the foot of a steep rock surface. [1/2 definitions]
perpendicular a nearly vertical or very steep incline, as on a mountainside. [1/7 definitions]
power dive a steep downward plunge of an aircraft such as a fighter plane that is accelerated by engine power as well as gravity.
precipice a steep cliff. [1/2 definitions]
precipitous very steep or sudden; rising or dropping abruptly. [1/2 definitions]
ravine a deep, steep-sided cut in the land, esp. one carved by the flow of water.
rimrock rock that forms a natural rim around the edge of a rise, as above a steep precipice.
scarp a steep cliff formed by erosion or an abrupt movement of the earth's crust. [2/3 definitions]
seethe to submerge in a liquid; soak; steep. [1/4 definitions]
souse to soak or steep in a liquid, esp. pickling brine. [1/7 definitions]
steep1 a hill, cliff, or other steep location. [1/3 definitions]
stope an excavation in the form of steps made when ore is mined from steep or vertical veins. [1/2 definitions]
switchback a road, path, or railroad track that climbs a mountain or other steep grade by using a zigzag route.