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club a heavy stick, esp. of wood, used as a weapon. [1/7 definitions]
cock2 to stick up or turn up. [1/2 definitions]
cohere to lump, hold, or stick together. [1/2 definitions]
cotton candy a candy consisting of melted sugar spun into a fluffy mass around a stick or paper cone.
crayon a colored stick or pencil, esp. one made of wax, used for drawing and coloring. [1/3 definitions]
crosse a long-handled stick with a net pouch attached to one end, used to catch, throw, or carry a lacrosse ball.
cue2 a long stick, narrow at the tip, that is used by pool and billiards players to hit the ball. [1/4 definitions]
divining rod a forked stick used by dowsers to search for underground water; dowsing rod.
drub to beat, as with a stick or club. [2/3 definitions]
drumstick a stick used to play a drum. [1/2 definitions]
extrude to stick out; protrude or project. [1/3 definitions]
ferule a rod, flat stick, or cane used for punishing children. [1/2 definitions]
gad2 a long stick or prod used for driving cattle; goad. [1/3 definitions]
gong a large metallic disk that makes a deep resonant sound when struck with a stick or mallet. [1/2 definitions]
gum1 to treat or stick together with or as if with gum. [1/10 definitions]
hang out to stick out and hang downwards. [1/6 definitions]
hickory the wood of a hickory tree, or a rod made of this wood for use as a walking stick or switch. [1/2 definitions]
hobbyhorse a child's toy with an imitation horse's head at the end of a long stick, which the child pretends to ride. [1/3 definitions]
jam1 to disable by causing a part to stick, catch, or slip. [1/12 definitions]
joss stick a stick of incense that the Chinese burn in honor of a joss.
joystick (informal) the control stick of an airplane, or any similar controlling device.