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joystick (informal) the control stick of an airplane, or any similar controlling device.
jumping jack a toy figure with jointed limbs that dances or jumps when an attached string or stick is pulled. [1/2 definitions]
lacrosse a field game played by two teams of ten players each who use a long-handled stick with a net pouch on one end to carry or throw a ball into the opponent's goal.
lipstick a cosmetic for coloring the lips, usu. in stick form in a tubular container.
lollipop a piece of hard candy attached to the end of a small stick.
matchstick the short, slender, usually wooden stick from which a match is made, or the match itself. [1/2 definitions]
meter stick a measuring stick one meter long.
mire to cause to sink or stick in deep mud. [2/7 definitions]
muddler a small stick, usu. plastic, used to stir mixed drinks; swizzle stick. [1/2 definitions]
mumbletypeg a children's game in which the players toss a knife in various prescribed ways, trying to stick the blade in the ground, with the loser having to withdraw a peg from the ground with his or her teeth.
obtrude to stick or push out; cause to protrude. [1/3 definitions]
orange stick a slender stick with one rounded and one pointed end that is used in manicuring, originally made of orangewood.
overhang to project over something; stick out. [1/5 definitions]
perk1 to stick upward or outward (often fol. by "up"). [1/5 definitions]
PFAS acronym for perflouroalkyl and polyflouroalkyl substances. Such chemical substances are used in a vast number of products and applications such as non-stick coatings for cookware, cleaning products, wire insulation, clothing, and food packaging. Some are known to be toxic, and, as a group, they are considered at least potentially harmful to human and animal health. They are also considered an environmental pollutant, as they can take thousands of years to break down, earning the the appellation "forever chemicals."
pikestaff a walking stick with a pointed lower end. [1/2 definitions]
pinwheel a toy that resembles a windmill secured on a stick by a pin, the wheel of which revolves in the wind or when blown upon. [1/3 definitions]
pointer a stick or rod used to indicate points on a map or other display. [1/5 definitions]
poke to stick out; protrude. [1/12 definitions]
pretzel a thin, crisp, glazed biscuit usu. shaped as a knot or stick and salted on the surface. [1/2 definitions]
prop1 to support, stabilize, or sustain with or as if with a beam, stick, stone, or the like. [2/4 definitions]