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sludge thick, sticky mud or ooze. [1/2 definitions]
smear to spread or apply (a sticky, oily, or greasy substance) on or over a surface. [4/9 definitions]
sundew any of various small marsh plants having sticky hairs that trap insects for food.
tacky1 gummy or sticky, as partially dried glue or varnish.
tar1 a dark, oily, sticky, heavy substance obtained by the destructive distillation of wood, coal, or peat, and used in protective coatings and sealants, as on roads and roofs. [1/3 definitions]
tenacious tending to cling to another substance or surface; adhesive; sticky. [1/4 definitions]
tobacco any of a variety of native American plants with large sticky leaves that are smoked, chewed, or used in snuff. [1/3 definitions]
turpentine a sticky mixture of oil and resin derived from certain pines and other related trees. [1/4 definitions]
viscid having a sticky coating or covering. [1/2 definitions]
viscose sticky; viscous. [1/4 definitions]
wood tar a dark sticky liquid distilled from the slow, flameless burning of wood, used as a preservative on timber, rope, and the like, and in the making of creosote and pitch.