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innervate to stimulate (a nerve, organ, or muscle). [1/2 definitions]
inspire to stimulate or cause feelings of exaltation in others. [1/7 definitions]
interest to stimulate attention or curiosity in (someone). [1/7 definitions]
intoxicate to excite, stimulate, or exhilarate. [1/3 definitions]
irritate to stimulate a characteristic function or response, or produce a sensitive or inflamed condition, in living tissue. [1/4 definitions]
overstimulate combined form of stimulate.
pump priming (informal) the spending of government funds to stimulate private industry.
quicken to restore to vitality; stimulate, revive, or animate. [1/4 definitions]
refresh to recall to or stimulate (the mind or memory). [1/5 definitions]
restimulate combined form of stimulate.
sex up to stimulate sexually. [1/2 definitions]
spark (informal) to set in motion; arouse, animate, or stimulate. [1/8 definitions]
thymosin any of several hormones secreted by the thymus that stimulate the immune system by promoting the development of T cells.
tickle to stimulate agreeably, or to amuse. [1/6 definitions]
titillate to stimulate or excite pleasantly. [1/2 definitions]
toxoid a toxin, used in immunization, that has been rendered nontoxic by chemical or physical means but that retains its capacity to stimulate the production of antibodies.
vaccine a specimen of modified, killed, or avirulent viruses or bacteria, used to inoculate persons or animals in order to stimulate their immune systems to protect against virulent strains. [1/3 definitions]
vernalize to stimulate the growth of (a plant) by chilling the seed or bulb in order to shorten the dormant stage.
warm-up any practice, procedure, or exercise that is undertaken to stimulate the mind for a demanding task or display of knowledge or skill. [1/4 definitions]
whet to make keener, as appetite or curiosity; stimulate. [1/5 definitions]
whoop it up to stimulate enthusiasm, as for a candidate, team, or project. [1/2 definitions]