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Dictionary Suite
pull oneself up by one's own bootstraps to succeed by one's own efforts.
score to succeed in a particular effort. [2/21 definitions]
scrape to succeed by a very small margin or with great difficulty (often fol. by "through" or "by"). [1/13 definitions]
scratch to succeed only with difficulty; earn or save barely enough to live (often fol. by "by"). [1/22 definitions]
split infinitive an infinitive in which a word or group of words, usu. an adverb or adverbial phrase, comes between "to" and its following verb, as in "to easily succeed".
squeak by to succeed by a very close margin or with great difficulty.
squeak through to succeed by a very close margin or with great difficulty.
sure thing (informal) something considered certain to happen, succeed, win, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
thrive to progress well or succeed; prosper. [1/2 definitions]
unlikely not likely to succeed. [1/3 definitions]
win to succeed in obtaining the support of. [1/9 definitions]
withstand to succeed against some force, influence, or hardship; resist or survive. [1/2 definitions]
work out to succeed as hoped or expected. [1/5 definitions]