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lullaby a song sung esp. to put a child to sleep. [1/2 definitions]
lyric meant or suited to be sung. [1/6 definitions]
madrigal a type of song popular in the Renaissance, usu. sung by four to six singers who sing the same words but at different times and usu. with no instrumental accompaniment.
Magnificat a canticle of praise sung by the Virgin Mary in the Bible. [1/2 definitions]
mantra a Hindu sacred formula to be spoken or sung in prayer.
melisma a succession of different notes sung to one syllable in plainsong and in certain Asian and Near Eastern music.
monody an ode recited or sung by a single voice, as in a Greek tragedy. [1/2 definitions]
motet a piece of multivoice religious music with entwined melodies, usu. sung without accompaniment.
ode in classical poetry, a composition to be sung by a chorus. [1/2 definitions]
operetta a short light, usu. humorous opera, often with dialogue that is spoken as well as sung.
paean a song or hymn sung as an expression of praise.
parlando to be sung or played in a style that suggests speech (used as a musical direction).
part song a song written for several voice parts, to be sung without accompaniment.
responsory a responsive verse or set of verses spoken or sung in a church service.
roulade an ornamentation of solo vocal music comprising a rapid run of notes sung to one syllable. [1/2 definitions]
rune1 a magic charm, usu. sung or chanted. [1/2 definitions]
sharp in music, an instruction in the key signature that calls for a certain note to be played or sung a half step higher than written wherever it appears in the music, or a notation that a particular single note is to be played or sung a half step higher. [1/16 definitions]
song a brief musical composition that is either intended to be sung or is able to be adapted for singing. [2/4 definitions]
sostenuto a passage played or sung in a sustained manner. [1/2 definitions]
strophe the movement from right to left of the chorus in classical Greek drama, or the part of the choral ode sung during this movement. (Cf. antistrophe.) [1/2 definitions]
Te Deum a religious hymn sung as part of Christian rituals to praise God. [2 definitions]