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belay in mountain climbing, to fasten (a rope) either to a person or to a thing offering a secure support. [1/6 definitions]
be there for (someone) to give one's support to (another), esp. during a difficult time for that person emotionally.
bolster to give support with a bolster. [2/4 definitions]
bolt1 to break away from by withdrawing one's support. [1/14 definitions]
bookend a support, often ornamental and in a pair, used to prop up the end of a row of books.
boom2 a heavy beam on a derrick, used to extend and support cargo or other weight. [2/5 definitions]
bra a woman's undergarment with fabric cups that support the breasts; brassiere.
brace a device used to support an injured part of the body. [2/10 definitions]
braces (chiefly British) a pair of adjustable straps that are designed to support trousers, worn over the shoulders and attached to the trousers at the front and back of the waist; suspenders. [1/2 definitions]
bracket an L-shaped fixture attached to a wall or other vertical surface to support something such as a shelf. [2/7 definitions]
brassiere a woman's undergarment designed to support the breasts; bra.
bread-and-butter providing the basic financial support. [1/2 definitions]
breadwinner a member of a family or household who earns money to support the other members.
brigade a group of persons gathered or organized for a specific purpose such as to fight a fire, support a cause, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
bring home the bacon to provide the major financial support for one's household.
bulwark anything or anyone that provides strength, support, or protection. [1/4 definitions]
buttress a structure that gives support to the outside of a building by absorbing excessive outward thrust. [4 definitions]
cane a wooden or metal stick, usu. with a handle, used for support in walking; walking stick. [1/7 definitions]
cantilever a rigid structural member, as of a bridge, fastened at or near one of its ends to a vertical support and projecting horizontally, usu. a great length, from it. [2/4 definitions]
care to provide support, maintenance, or protection (usu. fol. by "for"). [1/12 definitions]
carrier a support on or in a vehicle, for carrying goods. [1/6 definitions]