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fenestration an opening in a structure, esp. a surgical opening made in the ear labyrinth to restore hearing. [1/2 definitions]
gag1 to hold open the jaws of, as for a surgical procedure. [2/8 definitions]
hemostasis the stoppage of bleeding, by natural or surgical means. [1/2 definitions]
hysterectomy surgical removal of the uterus and sometimes the ovaries.
hysterotomy surgical incision of the uterus, as in a Caesarean section.
keratectomy a surgical operation in which all or part of the cornea is removed.
keratotomy surgical incision of the cornea to improve vision.
lancet a small, sharp, two-edged surgical knife used for small incisions or opening boils or abscesses.
levator a surgical instrument used to raise a depressed piece of a fractured skull. [1/2 definitions]
ligature a band or tie used to connect, esp. a surgical stitch. [1/4 definitions]
liposuction a surgical procedure that uses suction to remove fat from beneath the skin for cosmetic purposes.
MASH abbreviation of "mobile army surgical hospital."
natural childbirth childbirth undergone without anesthesia or surgical aid, in preparation for which the expectant mother has often received instruction in the management of pain through breathing and relaxation exercises.
nephrectomy surgical removal of one or both kidneys.
nonsurgical combined form of surgical.
nose job (informal) a surgical procedure for changing the appearance of the nose.
oophorectomy a surgical operation involving the removal of one or both ovaries; ovariotomy.
operable able to be treated by a surgical procedure. (Cf. inoperable.) [1/2 definitions]
operate to perform a surgical procedure (often fol. by "on"). [1/5 definitions]
operation a surgical procedure. [1/5 definitions]
osteotomy surgical division or removal of a bone or part of a bone.