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osteotomy surgical division or removal of a bone or part of a bone.
ovariectomy the surgical removal of an ovary or ovaries.
ovariotomy surgical incision into or partial or total removal of an ovary or ovaries.
postsurgical combined form of surgical.
PPE abbreviation of "personal protective equipment," equipment such as face masks, face shields, gloves, and surgical gowns that are used by medical personnel to protect against viral or bacterial infection of either themselves or patients.
probe an instrument used to explore the depth, shape, or condition of something that cannot be viewed directly, esp. a thin surgical instrument used to examine a wound or body cavity. [1/6 definitions]
prosthetics the surgical or dental speciality that deals with the design, production, fitting, and use of artificial organs and body parts. [1/2 definitions]
retractor a person or thing that retracts or draws back, such as a muscle that retracts an organ or part, or a surgical instrument that holds back the edge of an incision.
salpingectomy a surgical operation for the removal of one or both fallopian tubes.
scalpel a small, light knife with a thin sharp blade, used. esp. in surgical operations.
section in medicine, an incision or cut made for surgical or research purposes. [1/9 definitions]
skin grafting a surgical transplanting of skin to replace skin that is destroyed.
sponge any similar absorbent material made of rubber, cellulose, cotton gauze, or various synthetics, and used for surgical purposes, cleaning, and the like. [1/10 definitions]
-stomy a surgical operation that creates an artificial opening in a (specified) organ or part.
strangulate to compress or block (a body passage) so as to cut off the flow of air, blood, or the like, esp. by surgical procedure. [1/2 definitions]
surgery a room in which surgical operations are carried out; operating room. [1/6 definitions]
tap2 the surgical drawing of bodily fluid, as from the spine. [1/9 definitions]
thyroidectomy a surgical operation in which all or part of the thyroid gland is removed.
tonsillectomy the surgical removal of the tonsils.
tracheotomy the surgical opening of the trachea through the outside of the neck.
trephine a circular surgical saw, mounted on a shaft and operated by a lateral handle, used to remove disks of bone, esp. from the skull. [1/2 definitions]