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curium a synthetic radioactive chemical element that has ninety-six protons in each nucleus. (symbol: Cm)
Dacron trademark for a synthetic, wrinkle-resistant polyester fiber or fabric.
DES abbreviation of "diethylstilbestrol," a synthetic estrogen formerly used to treat the symptoms of menopause and to supplement animal feed, but now banned in the United States as carcinogenic.
detergent a substance used for cleansing, esp. one of numerous liquid or powdered synthetic chemicals. [1/2 definitions]
diethylstilbestrol a synthetic estrogen formerly used to treat the symptoms of menopause and to supplement animal feed, but now banned in the United States as carcinogenic.
double-knit a fabric, usu. synthetic, knit on a machine with two sets of needles so that, as the two single-knit fabrics are produced, they are also woven together to form a double thickness. [1/2 definitions]
einsteinium a synthetic radioactive chemical element that has ninety-nine protons in each nucleus. (symbol: Es)
elastic a fabric that can be stretched but will recover its original shape, made by weaving in strands of rubber or a similar synthetic material. [1/5 definitions]
elastomer any of various synthetic substances having the elastic qualities of rubber.
epinephrine a synthetic or extracted form of this, used to stimulate the heart or treat asthma. [1/2 definitions]
epoxy a synthetic resin that forms tightly linked, tough, adhesive polymer structures and that is often used in adhesives and coatings. [1/3 definitions]
ersatz a substance or thing used as a substitute, esp. a synthetic substitute for something natural. [1/2 definitions]
fentanyl a potent, fast-acting synthetic opioid that is used pharmacologically for pain relief and is also used illicitly.
fermium a synthetic radioactive chemical element that has one hundred protons in each nucleus. (symbol: Fm)
hahnium a synthetic radioactive chemical element that has 105 protons in each nucleus. (symbol: Ha)
hallucinogen a natural or synthetic substance that induces false or distorted sensory perceptions.
hopsacking a fabric made of cotton, wool, or synthetic fiber that is similar to this material, used for clothing. [1/2 definitions]
hormone a synthetic substance made to serve a similar purpose when used medicinally. [1/2 definitions]
isoprene a colorless, volatile, liquid compound distilled from raw rubber or manufactured synthetically, used mainly to make synthetic rubber.
latex any emulsion in water of synthetic rubber or plastic globules, used in various products, or the paint made with such an emulsion. [1/2 definitions]
lawrencium a synthetic radioactive chemical element that has 103 protons in each nucleus. (symbol: Lw)