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Dictionary Suite
pilot film a film or tape of one episode of a proposed television series, designed to attract commercial sponsors and enlist network support.
pretape combined form of tape.
reel1 a cylinder, spool, or the like that usu. turns on an axis, and on which cord, wire, tape, film, or the like can be wound. [1/4 definitions]
reel-to-reel designating a tape recorder on which tape is wound from one reel to another.
rewind to wind again, or to wind back (a cassette tape or the like) to the original position or to a preceding position.
ribbon a long, narrow, flexible strip that resembles a ribbon, such as a measuring tape or bandsaw blade. [1/8 definitions]
scan to check automatically for recorded data, as on a magnetic tape. [1/10 definitions]
Scotch tape trademark for a transparent or semitransparent cellulose adhesive tape.
sound bite a very brief statement taken from a video or audio tape for inclusion in a television newscast.
soundtrack a commercial record or tape of the music from a motion picture. [1/2 definitions]
splice to join (pieces of film, tape, or the like) at the ends. [1/4 definitions]
spool a cylindrical object, usu. with a rim on each end, on which thread, tape, wire, photographic film, or the like is wound. [1/3 definitions]
stick2 to attach or fix with tape, paste, or other adhesive. [1/19 definitions]
tape to fasten, bind, or repair with tape. [2/5 definitions]
tape deck a tape recorder and player without its own amplifier or speaker, usu. part of a larger sound system.
tape measure a long strip of cloth or flexible metal having units such as inches, feet, centimeters, or meters marked on it, used for measuring; measuring tape.
tape-record to record (sound) onto magnetic tape.
tape recorder a machine used to record sound onto magnetic tape or to play back the sound recorded.
ticker a telegraphic receiver that automatically prints stock market quotations and reports on paper tape. [1/4 definitions]
ticker tape paper tape upon which a telegraphic ticker prints stock quotations, reports, and the like.
ticker-tape parade a parade in which a championship sports team, war hero, or dignitary is showered with ticker tape, confetti, and the like from buildings along the parade route.