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hydraulics (used with a sing. verb) the science or technology concerned with the mechanical uses of fluids, esp. water, in motion.
institute a college teaching a specialized subject matter, such as art or technology. [1/5 definitions]
laboratory a place for students of science or technology to experiment, make observations, and practice scientific techniques, or a place equipped with special technology for various types of students to use as an aid to learning. [1/4 definitions]
leading edge something that is the most advanced, as in technology, art, or fashion. [1/2 definitions]
low-tech not involving or using complex or specialized technology. [1/2 definitions]
magnetic resonance imaging a non-invasive medical imaging technology using radio waves and powerful magnetic fields to make the interior of the human body visible in three dimensions and in real time.(abbrev.: MRI)
Master of Science a master's degree awarded usu. in science, technology, or mathematics. (abbr.: M.S.)
modern of or pertaining to recent or advanced styles, thought, or technology. [1/4 definitions]
modernization a process in which societies are believed to move from less to more advanced forms through the introduction of new technology or through social change. [1/3 definitions]
MRI abbreviation of "magnetic resonance imaging," a non-invasive medical imaging technology using radio waves and powerful magnetic fields to make the interior of the human body visible in three dimensions and in real time.
M.S. abbreviation of "Master of Science," a master's degree awarded usu. in science, technology, or mathematics.
nucleonics (used with a sing. verb) the science or technology having to do with atomic nuclei, esp. with nuclear energy.
PET scanner a medical diagnostic technology that uses radioactive tracer material to provide visual information about the activities of the brain.
plasmid a DNA-containing, self-reproducing element in the cytoplasm of some bacteria which exists outside the chromosome, used in recombinant DNA technology because it can alter a hereditary characteristic when introduced into another bacterium.
postindustrial of or designating a society in which the importance of heavy industry is declining, relative to that of technology and service industries.
radio the industry and technology of this medium of communication. [1/9 definitions]
robotics (used with a sing. verb) the technology of designing and using robots for various, usu. industrial tasks.
rocketry the science and technology of designing, building, and flying rockets.
SDI abbreviation of "Strategic Defense Initiative," a proposed U.S. defense system in which enemy missiles would be detected and destroyed in flight by weaponry contained in earth satellites, also known as "Star Wars" in reference to similar technology found in the science fiction saga of that name.
seat-of-the-pants relying on intuition and experience, rather than on technology or planning. [1/2 definitions]
solid-state being or using a technology that employs semiconductors and transistors to control the performance of electrical devices. [1/2 definitions]