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cold having a body temperature below normal. [2/7 definitions]
cold-blooded of animals such as fishes and reptiles, having blood whose temperature is dependent upon the temperature outside the organism. (Cf. warm-blooded.) [1/3 definitions]
cold cuts slices of various meats, meat products, and cheeses, served at room temperature.
cold pack a canning process in which food is placed into containers at room temperature, sealed in, and then sterilized and cooked simultaneously. [1/2 definitions]
cold storage storage in a temperature-controlled, usu. refrigerated container or room, as for furs or perishable foods or drugs.
cool to reduce in temperature; make less warm. [1/15 definitions]
coolant an agent used to keep the temperature of a system below a certain level, as by drawing off heat.
covariance in statistics, a measure of how two variables are related, equal to the product of the deviation of each variable from its mean. In positive covariance, the two variables (such as temperature and air conditioner use) are directly related and follow the same trend. In negative covariance, the two variables (such as temperature and heater use) are inversely related and follow opposite trends.
Crock-Pot trademark for an electric slow cooker that maintains a steady low temperature.
cryostat an apparatus that maintains samples at a constant, very low temperature.
deg. abbreviation of "degree," or "degrees," a unit of measure, such as that on a temperature scale.
degree a unit of measure, such as that on a temperature scale. [1/6 definitions]
degree-day a unit that represents one degree of difference, from a standard temperature, in the mean outdoor temperature on a certain day.
detector a device that records or identifies something, esp. changes in radiation, temperature, pressure, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
dew point the temperature at which water vapor in the air starts to condense into liquid.
dive a sharp decrease in something measurable, such as prices or temperature. [1/12 definitions]
Dry Ice trademark for solidified carbon dioxide that evaporates as a gas at a very low temperature without passing through a liquid phase, used as a refrigerant.
eurytherm an animal or plant able to survive through broad variations in temperature. (Cf. stenotherm.)
F1 abbreviation of "Fahrenheit," of, pertaining to, or designating a temperature scale on which thirty-two degrees is the freezing point and 212 degrees is the boiling point of water.
Fahrenheit of, pertaining to, or designating a temperature scale on which thirty-two degrees is the freezing point and 212 degrees is the boiling point of water. (abbr.: F)
fever an above-normal body temperature, usu. caused by illness. [1/4 definitions]