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fever a body temperature higher than normal that is usually caused by illness.
flash point the lowest temperature at which a combustible liquid will give a flash of light when heat is applied. [1/2 definitions]
foam a lightweight, man-made material with many tiny air holes, used especially for packaging or for keeping things at a preferred temperature. [1/6 definitions]
freeze to store food at a very low temperature so that it becomes solid and able to be preserved for a lengthy period of time. [1/17 definitions]
freeze-dry to preserve (foods, blood plasma, or the like) by rapid freezing and then drying in a high vacuum at a low temperature.
freezing at or near the temperature at which water turns to ice. [1/2 definitions]
freezing point the temperature at which a given liquid freezes.
frost the condition produced when the air temperature falls below the freezing point of water, or the temperature at which this happens. [1/5 definitions]
gallium a silvery metal chemical element that has thirty-one protons in each nucleus, usu. forms a trivalent ion, and is often used in pure form in high-temperature thermometers because it melts at just above room temperature and remains liquid up to 1983 degrees Celsius. (symbol: Ga)
gas matter that is neither liquid nor solid and expands or contracts rapidly and uniformly with temperature changes. [1/14 definitions]
gradient in physics, a measure of the greatest rate by which a variable, such as pressure or temperature, changes with a change in position. [1/4 definitions]
heat in physics, a form of energy transfer measured by temperature differences between one system, object, or medium, and another. [1/13 definitions]
heat pump a device for heating or cooling a building by transferring heat from a low-temperature reservoir by means of a compressor and a heat exchanger.
hothouse a heated glass building used to grow plants that require a constant warm temperature. [1/2 definitions]
hot spring a natural spring that has water warmer than body temperature.
humidity the amount of water vapor in the air, relative to the greatest amount possible at a given temperature; relative humidity. [1/2 definitions]
hyperthermia abnormally high body temperature.
hypothalamus the part of the brain below the thalamus in the ventral region of the diencephalon, important in the regulation of the autonomic nervous system and body temperature.
hypothermia a condition of very low body temperature.
incubator a warm container that protects and helps babies that are sick or born too early. An incubator allows doctors to control the temperature, amount of oxygen, and other conditions that affect a baby's health. [1/2 definitions]
inert gas any of a group of chemical elements, such as helium and neon, that seldom form compounds with other elements and that are gases at room temperature.