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Decalogue the Ten Commandments.
decameter a unit of length equal to ten meters or 32.808 feet.
decapod one of a group of crustaceans having ten legs, including crabs, lobsters, and shrimps. [2 definitions]
decastere a unit of volume equal to ten steres or cubic meters or 13.079 cubic yards.
decasyllable a word or line of poetry having ten syllables.
decathlon an athletic contest in which each participant competes in ten different track and field events over a period of two days.
decemvir one of a council of ten members that drew up the first code of Roman laws in 450 B.C. [2 definitions]
decennial happening every ten years. [2/3 definitions]
deciare a unit of area equal to ten square meters or 11.96 square yards.
decibel a unit indicating the level of loudness of sound, relative to a standard level, or indicating relative differences in power levels of electrical signals, equal to ten times the common logarithm of the ratio of the two levels. (abbr.: dB)
decile in statistics, any of the values that divide a frequency distribution into ten groups of equal frequency, or any one of these groups.
decimal pertaining to the number ten or to tenths. [3/5 definitions]
decimal fraction a fraction whose denominator is some power of ten, indicated by a decimal point before the numerator, such as .7, equaling seven tenths, or .015, equaling fifteen thousandths. (Cf. common fraction.)
decimal system a numbering or measuring system based on the number ten. [1/2 definitions]
decuple ten times as great or many; tenfold. [3/4 definitions]
dime a coin of the United States and Canada equaling ten cents.
dime store a store that sells mostly inexpensive products; five-and-ten.
dong2 the chief monetary unit of Vietnam, equaling ten hao.
double-digit of, pertaining to, or denoting a rate greater than ten and less than one hundred percent, esp. used to describe a high inflation rate.
duodecimal of, concerning, or based on twelve or twelfths (used esp. to describe a number system with twelve instead of ten digits). [1/3 definitions]
eighty the product of multiplying ten times eight. [1/5 definitions]