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Dictionary Suite
copy one of the printed reproductions of an original text, score, or photograph. [1/8 definitions]
copywriter one who writes text for publication or broadcast, esp. for advertisements.
corrupt to make alterations, usu. errors, in the original or correct version of (a text, language, or the like). [1/11 definitions]
corruption an improper alteration, as of a word or text. [1/5 definitions]
cut down to make (a piece of writing) shorter by removing some parts of the text. [1/4 definitions]
deconstruction a literary criticism philosophy, introduced in the 1960s, asserting that because words are defined using other words, the meaning of text has no stable reference and therefore cannot have a fixed meaning. [1/2 definitions]
desktop publishing the creation and preparation of text and graphics for publishing using small computers.
digital storing, using, or transmitting information, such as that which makes up text, audio, or video, in the form of numerical digits. [1/5 definitions]
document a file containing information such as text or media, created with a computer application. [1/4 definitions]
Douay Bible an English translation of the Bible, based on the Vulgate and completed in 1610, that was the officially approved text of the Roman Catholic Church.
double-space to type leaving a blank line after each line of text or copy.
ellipsis the omission of a word or words, as in a quoted text. [1/2 definitions]
emend to correct or improve (written text), esp. by removing errors; edit.
emendate to edit or emend (a text).
emoji any of various small pictorial symbols or images that are used in electronic communication such as in text messages or emails to convey an emotion, attitude, wish, opinion, or the like.
exemplar a copy of a text. [1/4 definitions]
extemporaneous of a speech, delivered with little or no reference to notes or prepared text. [1/4 definitions]
fact checker someone whose job it is to verify the accuracy of facts in a text before publication.
fiche a sheet of microfilm, resembling an index card in size, that can contain many pages of printed text in reduced size; microfiche.
following something that comes next, as in a text (prec. by "the"). [1/5 definitions]
footnote a note at the foot of a page or the end of a chapter that provides a comment or reference on the above or foregoing text. [2/4 definitions]