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revive to present a modern version of (a theatrical work). [1/9 definitions]
roadshow a show performed by a touring theatrical company. [1/2 definitions]
scenery theatrical props or backdrops that represent a location. [1/2 definitions]
scenic of or relating to theatrical scenery or the stage. [1/3 definitions]
sellout a theatrical performance or other entertainment event for which all the tickets have been sold. [1/3 definitions]
set the scenery that provides the background for a theatrical performance or movie. [1/25 definitions]
shadow play a theatrical performance produced by casting the shadows of actors or puppets on a lighted screen or curtain.
showman a man who has a flair for theatrical presentation. [1/2 definitions]
sketch a brief story or other composition performed as part of a series in a theatrical revue, comedy routine, or television program. [1/6 definitions]
skit a short, usu. humorous theatrical sketch. [1/2 definitions]
stage a platform upon which lectures, music, or theatrical productions are performed. [1/11 definitions]
stagecraft the art of, or skill in, writing or staging plays or using theatrical devices or techniques.
stagehand a person who moves furniture, props, scenery, and the like in a theatrical production.
stage-manage to serve as stage manager for (a theatrical production). [1/3 definitions]
stage manager an assistant to the director of a theatrical production, who is responsible for the technical direction and is in charge backstage during the performance.
staging the act or process of preparing or putting on a theatrical production. [1/2 definitions]
stagy having qualities associated with a theatrical play; affected; unnatural.
star to feature (a performer) in a film or theatrical production. [1/11 definitions]
stock a small theatrical company, or the repertoire of such a company. [1/16 definitions]
stock company a theatrical company performing in repertory usu. in its own theater. [1/2 definitions]
theater of the absurd a form of avant-garde theatrical production that stresses the individual's isolation in a meaningless or bizarre world.