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piston a usu. cylindrical machine part that moves up and down within a close-fitting sleeve and thereby powers an engine or the like.
surfactant a substance that reduces the surface tension of a liquid, thereby allowing the liquid to spread more easily.
telemark a turn in skiing in which the skier's balance is shifted forward, thereby moving the tip of a ski gradually inward in the direction of the turn.
trip to release a trigger or switch, thereby setting (something) in motion or operation. [1/18 definitions]
uxorious excessively or foolishly devoted to one's wife, and often thereby submissive to her.
vibrator an electromagnetic device that consists of a vibrating rod or conductor that periodically interrupts a steady current and thereby creates a pulsating one. [1/3 definitions]
vicious circle a situation in which the solution to a problem gives rise to another, which can be worse or may bring back the first with greater complications, thereby increasing the difficulty of solving any of them. [1/2 definitions]
wade to walk in water or another substance that partially envelops one's legs, thereby hindering movement. [1/5 definitions]
weatherboard a long narrow board used to cover the outer walls of a frame house in such away that each board partly overlaps the one below it and thereby sheds water from the house; clapboard. [1/3 definitions]