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craft a boat, ship, airplane, or space vehicle, or any group of these collectively. [1/7 definitions]
Creole the dialect spoken by these persons. (Cf. Cajun.) [1/6 definitions]
crossing a place where two roads, routes, or railroad tracks, or a combination of these, intersect. [1/3 definitions]
culture the artistic and intellectual endeavors of a society or social class, as in the areas of music, art, fashion, and literature, or the works that are produced from these endeavors, esp. those considered of good taste and high value. [1/8 definitions]
daisy a flower of either of these plants. [1/3 definitions]
Dakota the language of these tribes. [1/3 definitions]
dance a specific pattern of these movements that is usu. given a name, such as the waltz or rumba. [1/9 definitions]
Danelaw the part of England under these laws. [1/2 definitions]
dart (pl., but used with a sing. verb) a game in which these missiles are thrown at a target. [1/6 definitions]
dashi a broth used in Japanese cookery that is typically made from dried bonito, kelp, or sardine, or a combination of these.
decile in statistics, any of the values that divide a frequency distribution into ten groups of equal frequency, or any one of these groups.
demonstrative in grammar, indicating or specifying that which is referred to, as the pronouns "that" and "these". [1/5 definitions]
dermatoglyphics (used with a sing. verb) the scientific study of these ridges, as for diagnostic purposes. [1/2 definitions]
dice any game using these cubes, such as craps. [1/4 definitions]
down to at the point of having only (these last persons or things). [1/3 definitions]
drill1 a call to carry out a series of actions designed for use in emergencies in order to practice these actions and be fully prepared to carry them out in a real emergency. [1/13 definitions]
due process an established set of legal procedures and methods designed to protect citizens against arbitrary action by the government. U.S. law dictates that all judicial action must follow these consistent procedures and safeguards in order to protect the rights of individuals.
ease to release from pain, worry, or difficulty, or to lessen (such things as these). [1/11 definitions]
ecology these relationships themselves. [1/2 definitions]
electrophysiology the electrical properties of living cells and tissues, or the study of these properties.
episode a single incident or event, or a related group of these, making up a segment in a life or a long narrative. [1/3 definitions]