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chub any of various thick-bodied freshwater fish common to Europe. [1/3 definitions]
chunk a thick lump or piece of any material. [1/2 definitions]
chunky of thick or sturdy build; stocky. [1/2 definitions]
chyme the semifluid thick mass that is the product of the partial digestion of food in the stomach and that passes into the small intestine.
citrus any of various trees and shrubs cultivated in warm climates for their thick-skinned, juicy fruit, such as the orange, lemon, and grapefruit. [1/4 definitions]
clabber sour, thick, or curdled milk. [1/2 definitions]
clog a shoe or sandal with a thick, usu. wooden sole. [1/7 definitions]
clump a thick lump or mass. [1/6 definitions]
coal tar a thick black liquid formed by the distillation of bituminous coal, used as a raw material in the creation of dyes, drugs, plastics, and paints.
cobbler a deep-dish fruit pie with a thick crust only on the top. [1/3 definitions]
collodion in chemistry, a thick solution of pyroxylin suspended in alcohol and ether, used in producing photographic film, in cementing surgical bandages and sealing wounds, and in engraving and lithography.
cork a species of oak native to the Mediterranean area, having thick, porous, water-resistant bark. [1/6 definitions]
cream an ointment or thick liquid containing medicinal or cosmetic ingredients for external application. [1/14 definitions]
crocodile any of various large reptiles found in tropical swamps, with a thick, tough skin, a long tail, and a pointed snout. [1/2 definitions]
croquette a cake or patty of minced food such as fish, usu. held together with eggs or a thick sauce, coated with bread crumbs, and fried in deep fat.
cutinization a process in which the outer cells of plants become thick and covered with cutin, making them waterproof.
cutlass a short thick sword with one cutting edge and usu. a curved blade.
dal a thick, spiced sauce made with lentils, split peas, or the like, served in Indian cuisine. Dal is usually served over rice or with soft, flat bread as a main part of a meal.
date palm a tall palm tree with a thick trunk, cultivated in tropical and desert regions for its dates.
daub to paint with thick, crude strokes. [1/7 definitions]
deadlight a thick glass window set in a ship's hull or deck. [1/3 definitions]