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self-defense the legal right to defend oneself against mortal threat by necessary means. [1/3 definitions]
shadow a threat. [1/12 definitions]
shakedown an attempt to get something, esp. money, by threat of violence or of revealing a discrediting secret; instance of blackmail or extortion. [1/4 definitions]
specter a threat or possibility that haunts or instills fear. [1/2 definitions]
strong-arm to coerce or assault with, or as if with, physical force or violence or the threat thereof. [1/2 definitions]
survive to continue to live despite serious immediate threat to one's life. [1/5 definitions]
threatening containing, or appearing to contain, a threat of harm. [1/2 definitions]
tyrannical imposing one's will on others by threat or force; despotic; oppressive. [1/2 definitions]
ultimatum a final statement of demands, esp. when issued with a threat of action if rejected, as in a diplomatic discussion.
wary on watchful guard against threat, danger, or trickery; cautious. [1/2 definitions]