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discard to throw out or away; cast off. [3/5 definitions]
disrupt to throw into disorder or turmoil. [1/2 definitions]
doublet (pl.) a throw of two dice in which the upper face of each has the same number of dots. [1/4 definitions]
douse1 to throw water or another liquid on; splash or drench. [1/4 definitions]
drill1 (informal) in sports, to make (a throw, hit, shot, or the like) with force and speed. [1/13 definitions]
dump to throw away or unload unwanted things, such as garbage or toxic waste. [1/10 definitions]
eject to throw or propel oneself out of an aircraft in an emergency, by use of an ejection seat or capsule. [1/3 definitions]
fling to throw violently or forcefully; hurl. [3/8 definitions]
floor to throw into great confusion or consternation. [1/9 definitions]
follow-through the final part of a stroke, kick, throw, or swing, as of a golf club after the ball has been hit. [1/2 definitions]
foul line in basketball, a line fifteen feet from the backboard, from which a player may shoot unimpeded after a penalty has been imposed on the other team; free-throw line. [1/3 definitions]
foul shot see "free throw."
goal in various sports such as hockey, football, and basketball, a structure through which one must hit, throw, or kick a ball or puck in order to score. [1/3 definitions]
heave to throw violently; hurl. [2/11 definitions]
hook in sports, to throw or strike (a ball) so that it curves away from the throwing or striking hand. [1/19 definitions]
hurl to throw forcefully. [3/5 definitions]
jettison to throw (objects) from a ship or airplane to lighten or stabilize it, as in a storm. [1/4 definitions]
juggle to perform tricks that involve great manual dexterity or sleight of hand, esp. to throw and catch three or more objects alternately. [1/8 definitions]
jumble to put or throw together in a confused heap. [1/6 definitions]
lacrosse a field game played by two teams of ten players each who use a long-handled stick with a net pouch on one end to carry or throw a ball into the opponent's goal.
lateral in football, to throw the ball in a sideways or backward direction to another; make a lateral pass. [1/4 definitions]