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duopsony the market condition that exists when there are only two buyers, who can thus exert great influence on price. (Cf. monopsony, oligopsony.)
encrypt to put (information) into a code, thus protecting it from being read and understood by those not authorized to have access to the information.
excretion the waste matter thus eliminated. [1/2 definitions]
fairing a structure on the external surface of an aircraft or other vehicle that serves to streamline the chassis and thus reduce drag.
feedback the evaluation or evaluations thus returned. [1/6 definitions]
filterable virus a virus capable of passing through bacteria-retaining filters and thus remaining infectious.
fire alarm a signal thus emitted. [1/2 definitions]
fission the splitting of an atomic nucleus into two or more nuclei, thus producing atoms of lighter elements and releasing large amounts of energy. (Cf. fusion.) [1/3 definitions]
fluorescence the radiation thus given off. [1/2 definitions]
flyweight a boxer who weighs 112 pounds or less and thus qualifies to compete in the lightest official weight class.
fomentation the act of treating a body surface with warm water, medicated liquids, or the like, or the substance thus applied. [1/2 definitions]
football a North American game played by two opposing teams on a rectangular field, in which players pass or carry a ball in an effort to transport it to one end of the playing area and thus score points. [1/4 definitions]
fracking the injection into an oil or natural gas well of large amounts of pressurized water containing sand and chemicals, which fractures the surrounding rock, creating fissures through which oil or gas flows into the well, thus increasing its output; hydraulic fracturing.
freshen of a cow, to give birth and thus produce milk. [1/4 definitions]
gentrification the process by which buildings in decaying neighborhoods are bought and renovated by relatively wealthy people, thus causing the displacement and sometimes homelessness of poor people.
gluon in physics theory, a massless particle or type of energy that binds quarks together and thus forms protons, neutrons, and the like.
gnomon the column on a sundial that casts a shadow and thus indicates the time of day.
god something that is considered to be of the greatest importance and thus, in effect, worshiped. [1/6 definitions]
grandfather clause a former law in certain southern U.S. states that exempted white voters from the literacy requirement if their ancestors voted prior to the Civil War, and that thus enlarged the white voting population, relative to the black. [1/2 definitions]
gullible readily believing and thus easily tricked or deceived.
half gainer a dive in which the diver, facing forward, executes half of a backward somersault, thus entering the water headfirst and facing the diving board.