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kinnikinick a mixture of dried leaves, bark, and sometimes tobacco, formerly smoked by American Indians and pioneers.
Latakia a variety of aromatic Turkish smoking tobacco.
meerschaum a tobacco pipe with a bowl made of this material. [1/2 definitions]
nicotine a poisonous alkaloid that occurs in tobacco and is used in insecticides.
oast a kiln used for drying and curing tobacco or for drying hops or malt.
perique a strong, rich, black tobacco grown in Louisiana that is used mainly in blends.
pipe1 the quantity of something such as tobacco needed to fill the bowl of such an implement. [1/13 definitions]
pipe clay a fine, exceptionally plastic white clay that is used to make tobacco pipes, print calico, and whiten leather.
pipe cleaner a short length of wire, twisted to secure small tufts of yarn along its length, that is used to clean tobacco residue from the stems of pipes.
pipeful a quantity of tobacco sufficient to fill a pipe.
plug a small, compact piece of tobacco. [1/10 definitions]
pouch a bag made in a variety of sizes and shapes, usu. of a sturdy material, and used to carry loose substances and articles such as tobacco or letters. [1/6 definitions]
puff an instance of inhalation and exhalation, as when smoking tobacco. [1/16 definitions]
quid a portion of tobacco or other material that is designed to be chewed and then spit out.
secondhand smoke tobacco or other type of smoke that comes from the cigarette or other smoking material of another person, possibly already inhaled and exhaled by that person.
smoke the act or an instance of smoking tobacco. [2/12 definitions]
smoker someone or something that smokes, esp. one who frequently smokes tobacco. [1/3 definitions]
snuff1 tobacco that has been pulverized so that it can be inhaled through the nose. [1/6 definitions]
sweatbox a box that holds products such as skins, fruits, or tobacco leaves during their curing or fermenting process. [1/2 definitions]
tar1 something resembling this substance, as one of the waste products of tobacco smoke. [1/3 definitions]
tobacconist one who sells tobacco products at retail, esp. pipe tobaccos.