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oven cloth (chiefly British) a piece of heat-resistant material used to handle cooking utensils and dishes when they are too hot to touch with bare hands; potholder.
oven glove (chiefly British) a padded glove or mitten used to handle cooking utensils and dishes when they are too hot to touch with bare hands; oven mitt.
oven mitt a padded glove or mitten used to handle cooking utensils and dishes when they are too hot to touch with bare hands.
pet1 to pat, stroke, or caress; touch or treat as a pet. [1/7 definitions]
petting zoo a zoo with docile animals which children can touch and feed.
potholder a pad or mitten of thick material used to handle cooking utensils when they are too hot to touch with bare hands.
reach to touch or take hold of by extending part of the body. [2/13 definitions]
reach out to stretch out one's arm in order to touch or take hold of something. [1/4 definitions]
sense any of five ways to perceive, namely touch, smell, taste, sight, and hearing. [1/12 definitions]
sensitive plant a tropical American plant, related to the mimosa, that bears tiny purple flowers in clusters and has leaflets that fold together at even a slight touch. [2 definitions]
sensual related to or pleasing to the senses, as of touch, taste, or smell. [1/4 definitions]
smack1 a small quantity; touch. [1/4 definitions]
soft smooth and pleasing to touch. [1/12 definitions]
stroke to touch or brush gently with the hand or a hand-held implement. [1/13 definitions]
sumo (sometimes cap.) a kind of Japanese wrestling in which two very large men try to win by forcing each other out of a ring or by causing each other to touch any part of the body other than the bottoms of the feet to the ground.
sweep to touch lightly; brush. [1/16 definitions]
tablet a small, flat computer with a touch screen. [1/4 definitions]
tactile of, having, or pertaining to the sense of touch. [2 definitions]
tactual of, relating to, or caused by the sense of touch.
tag2 to touch (a player) in the game of tag, or in a similar game. [2/4 definitions]
tang a slight but distinctive touch or trace of something. [1/3 definitions]